Upcoming Distribution Rule Changes For Concerts – SOCAN

Upcoming Distribution Rule Changes For Concerts

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

As part of regular governance, distribution rules are reviewed and modified as needed to ensure the rules reflect changes in the business. Coming in November, there are 2 such modifications being implemented:

  • Historically, one of the conditions for payment of a concert was a minimum ticket price of $6. This has been increased to $10. Extensive research was conducted and very few concerts are being submitted with a ticket price under $10 and we anticipate very little impact to SOCAN members.
  • The other change is to T9 Sports Events. When set lists for sporting events are received, SOCAN matches the set list to the fees paid and then distributes them. This will not change. However, where set lists are not submitted, licence fees received were historically distributed based on concert market share. Beginning in November, licence fees where there is no set list will be allocated to Internet and Radio pools, weighted more heavily in Radio. This change reflects the similarities between sporting event playlists compared to radio playlists and internet streaming. SOCAN will continue to investigate alternatives for receiving set lists associated with major sports events.

To view SOCAN’s updated Distribution Rules, log in to your SOCAN account and select Distribution Rules from the Member Support menu.